IVR: The main advantages

An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a telephony technology that will interact with your customers during a call to put them in touch with the right person as quickly as possible. Thus, IVR allows you to answer 100% of calls while automating some or all of them. It is important to have a well-organized and multi-level IVR to avoid increasing the abandonment rate. In order to get the most out of it, the main benefits are. What are the main advantages of an IVR ? Better customer experience An interactive voice server allows the customer to select the right options from the voice menu and to be quickly put in contact with a qualified agent, thanks in particular to the optimization of call routing, who will be able to respond to their request. In this way, the customer feels accompanied throughout the entire process.  Time saving the many features, as well as a well-organized IVR system, save the customer time and provide a smoother experience. The customer can optionally choose to be automatically called back. In addition, operators, in turn, benefit from better management of waiting time. They can better assess each customer’s waiting time in order to support them while they wait. Call center performance Now we know: IVR automates a number of tasks! Agents will therefore have more time to carry out other tasks. As a result, IVR helps to reduce call center costs. Indeed, agents will no longer have to be trained to perform certain tasks.  Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relationship. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our Nixxis Contact Suite solution.  

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VoIP – Cybersecurity risks & Best Practices in 2021

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been at the center of every single interaction since its inception into the world of contact centers. VoIP transmits data from one point to another by using packet switching. In short, the human voice is broken into smaller parchment to travel faster via cloud to the end caller. Once there, it is reconnected and successfully emits voice data.  VoIP offers endless benefits to businesses in terms of faster communication, better customer service resolution rates and increased productivity. The big question everyone has in 2021 is about cyber security attacks and its increased impact on the contact center world due to the heavy usage of telephonic conversation via VoIP. Cyber-attacks in France have quadrupled over the last year, forcing authorities to strengthen the chain of cyber-defense from end to end. Around 70% of business decision makers are today more than concerned about the high cyber security risk their businesses are facing. Who are the target of these attacks? What is the amount of damage done by these attacks? What measures need to be undertaken to stay “safe” from these attacks?  Let’s dive into the world of cyber security and see how it can impact your contact center. Businesses today focused on quickly adapting to latest trends that a lot of business owners overlooked the simple aspect of VoIP security in regards to data breach until a point of no return. Major companies like Target, who saw their consumer perception drop by roughly 54% a year after their infamous 2013 data breach, have trouble recovering. So, while some major retailers and well-known brands can recover from a data breach, your business probably won’t be so lucky.  VoIP Security and Encryption  VoIP phone are more secure than normal landlines due to the simple fact that it has analytics and monitoring capabilities unlike normal landlines, who are more expensive in regards to maintenance cost and implementation. Encrypted conversation contain unreadable clutters broken into voice packets that are transmitted from one point to another, thus preventing them to be deciphered by hackers. Even in case of interception, encryption ensures that hackers won’t be able to decipher messages within the conversations. For a safe transfer to occur SRPT (Secure Real Time Transport Protocol) is used. It contains AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to data packets while providing message authentication and offers additional security against potential replay. On top of SRPT, VoIP solutions needs to be encrypted with Transport Layer Security to protect data like phone numbers, caller names and other details. It also refrains message tampering and call eavesdropping. Both TLS and AES are necessary if are seeking end to end encryption. Servers, ISPs, hackers, and telecom providers won’t be able to access your communication, as long as its end-to-end encrypted.  Here are a few common VoIP security risks along with security measures in order to stop business damage :   1.Packet Sniffing and Black Hole Attacks :  Packet Sniffing is one of the most common attacks faced by contact centers (small or medium sized ones), which allows hackers to tap into unencrypted information contained in voice data packets while being in transit from one point to another.  Packets Loss occurs when voice data does not reach their destination. Packets sniffers look to steal information via a packet drop attack (also known as black hole attack). Packets are intentionally inserted into your data streams and they overtake your router thus resulting in a slow connection or a loss of  connection. Using a VoIP VPN helps make your internet lines more secure. End to end encryption is also another way of securing your VoIP lines. These may take some time to put in place however it ensures protection against suspicious logins, unrecognized devices and more through a constant network monitoring.  2. DDoS Attacks  : DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks on the other hand occurs when servers are intentionally overwhelmed thus making businesses unable to use their own VoIP. The use of botnets (manipulated remotely controlled bots created by hackers) are the main cause of DDoS. The modus operandi is very simple: Flood all channels of communications (website, servers and networks) with so much data and request that they can handle causing a sort of overload to render VoIP inoperable.  Common signs are:  Unexpected and lengthened bandwidth spikes  503 HTTP Error Responses  Slowed Service  Unusual traffic from similar devices, IP addresses and locations.  To diminish DDoS attacks, VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) specially designed for VoIP flux is considered the best option to be used here as it makes it easier to recognize unwarranted and bizarre data flows. For users across WAN (Wide Area Network), monitored encryption is the best way to protect your business against DDoS attacks.    3. Vishing : Vishing is the same as Phishing. The only difference here is that the hackers will use voice communication methods to get end user reveal sensitive information like passwords, credit card information, security codes and much more. Hackers use a method called Caller ID spoofing; where your caller ID credentials appear to be legitimate. It can be a call from your local bank stating that your account has been compromised and they would need your password to secure your account.  In depth verification methods needs to be put in place in order to verify all caller ID and phone requests even if it looks like it’s coming from an IT dept. Another tactic that can be used here would be through proper agent training. Agents should be told to not disclose any confidential information unless it has been validated by a supervisor.  Signs of Vishing are:  Short and unusual numbers appearing on call screening caller ID Display.  Startling calls from known or famous companies  Persistent request to provide confidential information for verification purposes.  A false sense of urgency created from the caller.  How to prevent Vishing:  Do not provide confidential information over the phone to anyone that falls under your suspicion radar.  Join a Do Not Call Registry  Don’t respond to voice prompts via voice answers

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Optimize you live chat

The omnichannel approach greatly facilitates contact with customers. However, against all expectations, we have very few channels that present the opportunity to use live chat to ensure quality customer service and thus increase sales. Live chat, live chat for our English speaking friends, is a very promising tool that integrates with the website and offers relevant solutions at the right time. This practical and customisable channel is able to offer assistance at a time when customers need it most and without which, customers would surely have been tempted to give up their purchase. According to a study, 79% of customers prefer live chat because the assistance is immediate and according to Forrester, 63% state that they will gladly return to a website if it contains the live chat option. In addition, it is important to note that the waiting time for phone calls is significantly reduced with this solution and productivity increases considerably as it is possible to handle several solutions at the same time. In order to increase the volume of sales and better contribute to the satisfaction of your customers, here are 3 tips to optimize your live chat: Use a warm tone In order to engage in a natural conversation, the cat is an ideal channel. A friendly introduction of the agents and a request as to why they might be useful to the customer would be a good start to the conversation in order to put the customer completely at ease and get to the heart of the matter fairly quickly. It is preferable to use short messages so as not to confuse the customer with a lot of information and overloaded messages. Analysing behaviour and results In order to improve the chat experience, data analysis can help to optimise chat on the pages that are most frequently used by increasing the hours of support on these pages and thus assigning agents with the best skills to help customers in the best possible way. In this way, brands can improve the information on the website and even undertake agent training so that they can be more effective in dealing with customer requests. Customise the chat window To reassure users, it is important to make them understand that they are talking to a human and not a robot. To do this, simply add a photo of the agent to your chat window. Avoid automatic responses as much as possible, for example, during closing hours, but opt more for a message informing that the chat is momentarily unavailable and that it will restart at a specific time. You can also personalise the message of your chat depending on the location of the customer: If the customer is on the home page, you can use the chat to direct him/her to the current offers page for example, or to other products that should be highlighted.OPTIMIZE YOUR LIVE CHAT The more the message in the chat window will be adapted to the customer’s needs and location on the site, the better his attention will be captured by your site and will lead him to finalise his purchase. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relationship. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our Nixxis Contact Suite solution.

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