🎓 MASTER THE BASICS: Contact Center Definitions

Discover all the attractive contact center definitions:  Abandonment   Abandonment refers to the incoming calls that are ended by the initiating customer before they an agent answers or before having navigated on an IVR. For example, if you are taking inbound calls, a long waiting time can raise abandonment rate.  Arborescence  It is a hierarchical structure of the menus and sub-menus of a vocal server. The tree structure of a voice server is by convention structured in the form of a tree. That is, the welcome message represents the trunk and the sub-menus the branches.  ACD   Is short form for automatic call distribution. It is a telephony system that automatically receives incoming calls and distributes them to an available agent.  Admin interface   This is dedicated to administrators of contact center solutions where they can configure and maintain the solution.  Administrator   It is the person responsible for setting up and maintaining the software solution. The administrator manages user accounts and can also modify the status of customer advisors.  Agent   Also known as the “customer adviser”.  Agent interface   The agent interface is a platform where a customer service agent can make calls as well as receive them. There is also the option to have a coffee among several options on Nixxix Contact Suite where the customer service agent can make the caller wait. Nixxis Contact Suite can be customized based on agent availability.  Agent position   The Equipements making up the workstation of a customer adviser.  API   The Application Programming Interface is a set of functions that provides access to the services of an application, through a programming language. The API allows developers to integrate a remote application into their own business applications, without having to know how the core of this remote application works.  ASR   The Automatic Speech Recognition is also known as the “speech recognition”.  Asterisk   A software implementation of a PBX (private branch exchange), used to establish and control telephone calls between telecommunication terminals. For example, there are regular telephone extensions, destinations on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), and devices or services on Voice over Internet Protocol. networks (VoIP).  Audiotel   This service has several tariff levels for the caller, some of which allow repayment to the service provider.  Barge-in   A feature that allows frequent users of a voice server to interrupt the complete broadcast of a given message to navigate in the voice menu on a quicker way. This interruption can be manual or through voice recognition.   Blind transfer   The time where an agent transfers an incoming call to another agent, without ensuring that the latter is available to pick it up.  CCAAS   The “contact center as a service”, is software from a contact center provider that allows companies to manage all communication channels in real time. Nixxis Contact Suite is a technology that a business buys whereby it evolves as business evolves. CCaaS is an ideal option for many contact centers, scaling as business needs evolving within a single interface.  Call center  Is also referred as “Customer Relations centre”.   Call deterrence   This feature allows you to send a voice message to callers so that they can call back later. This is done outside the opening hours of a Customer Relations Center, or when the queue is at its maximum.  Conversation recording   A supervisor can record a conversation between an agent and a caller, for training purposes for example.  Call-backs only   This feature only redials missed calls to the Agent.0  Call routing   A set of distribution of incoming calls to the agents of a Customer Relations center. Call routing can be single or multi-criteria.  Call waiting   A feature allowing callers to wait before being put in touch with an agent. For example, there may be a message on hold or background music during telephone hold.  Call whisper  This feature allows a supervisor to remotely listen a conversation between a customer service agent and a caller.  Contact center   A technical solution which, integrated into the IT and telecom infrastructure of a Customer Relations center, allowing its customer service agents to manage all the incoming and outgoing calls. A contact center solution can be deployed for the following needs: customer information, sales administration, hotline, after-sales service, tele secretariat, taking orders or appointments, etc.  CRM application   The Customer Relationship Management is a business application that allows companies to better recruit and retain their customers, through the analysis of centralized data structured around the customer. These make it possible to support the sales and/or pre-sales and/or after-sales functions of companies, through analysis and decision-making tools.  Customer Relations Center   All the technical means such as the contact center solution and human resources, are combined to process incoming and outgoing telephone calls in large quantity. The missions of a Customer Relations center, set by Management, can cover several areas: customer information, after-sales service, sales, teleprospecting.   Click-to-call     A feature that allows customer service agents to dial a phone number by simply clicking on a button or text. This is done from the customer service agent’s interface. As a result, a click-to-call avoids the agent from having to manually dial telephone numbers.  Conference call  It is a telephone service that allows a user to communicate at the same time with other interlocutors.  Consultative transfer   The action where a customer service agent transfers an incoming call to another agent, ensuring that the latter is available and able to answer the call as well as respond to call requests.  Customer adviser   Also known as a customer service agent in a Customer Relations centre. This person responsible for handling incoming and outgoing calls.   CRM   A Customer Relationship Management is a set of business processes and functions aimed to attract and retain customerss, etc. This can be done as: marketing and customer services.  CTI   Computer telephony integration, also called computer–telephone integration is the coupling present between IT tools and telephony. The CTI makes it possible to identify the caller by his telephone number and

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🎓MASTER THE BASICS: multichannel to omnichannel contact center solution

I guess you already experienced buying something out of the internet, the item arrives damaged, and then you try to contact the customer service by email and for example chat simultaneously and both send you contradictory info? How enraging is this? That’s what happens when the CX strategy is not omnichanel. The Omni-customers and immediacy are the main challenges for a successful CX. Before each communication channel was not communicating with the other, but now with the emergence of the Now customer everything has changed. But what is the difference between multichannel and omnichannel solutions? How can you boost your customer experience? Nixxis puts you on the track Multichannel and omnichannel, a paradigm change For many people, multichannels and omnichannels are synonyms. However, It’s in fact an evolution in customer experience management. Its a given that companies have various touchpoints with their customers (phone, email, social media etc.) but a very, very long time ago those channels were independant of one another with no communication in-between and then a miracle happened (probably coming from a guy who got really mad at some point of going back and forth with various company departments) leading to establishing lines of communications between those different channels. This is the evolution from multichannel to omnichannel: it’s the capacity that a company has to connect all its customer touch-points and deliver a harmonised response to every one of them. And this miracle of CX  is done through an omnichannel contact center solution that’s able to  connect all those dots together. You can read more about what is a contact center solution in this article:  WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS A CONTACT CENTER SOLUTION? READ THIS. So is a multichannel platform still up to date? Honestly, we’re an omnichannel contact center solution, you can’t expect us to say yes. But let us explain what is the fundamental differences between the two. Say you start chatting on a website to solve your insurance subscription issue. Things are taking their sweet time, and you’re loosing your patience, you ask to switch to a phone call. If the software used by the company is multichannel it won’t be possible to switch on the spot, you will have to call another number, wait in queue and then talk to another agent that the on you were liasing with. But with an omnichannel one, we assume that the agent behind is as proficient by chat as he is by voice and therefore can pick up a call in the middle of a chat conversation. Which situation do you prefer as a client? I’m guessing the omnichannel one. Omnichannel for an omni-consumer For the past 20 years, we have observed that consumers have been using several channels at the same time and are more and more impatient to receive a response. It is therefore imperative to be reactive on all fronts, in order to respond to solicitations in record time on the ambient immediacy.  Omnichannel no longer means several channels, but all channels. It is a solution that will not only bring together, but also interconnect all your touch points. It merges channels for a unified and responsive customer experience.  So if one of your customers sends you an email and then contacts you via chat, an omnichannel solution will provide instant follow-up on each channel in real time. An omnichannel solution, the Graal of customer experience It is essential to adapt the current media consumption mode and a synergy between your brand’s contact points, with an omnichannel contact center solution you can: Nixxis, tailor-made omnichannel contact center solution Manage your incoming calls at the same time as your social media with an immediate and adapted response. All this with an intuitive and ergonomic interface to allocate cases according to the skills and availability of each of your agents. Measure and adapt your objectives with a complete and personalized reporting. Test the Nixxis recipe now and request a demo Learn more about an omnichannel contact centre ? Visit our blog!

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