
Reaching a QS close to 100%, an achievable goal?

< Return to blog < Return to blog What is the QS? What conclusions should we draw from this? Strategies to put in place Conclusion In the world of contact centers, Quality of Service (QS) is much more than a simple indicator; it is the barometer of operational efficiency, measuring the ability to respond effectively and quickly to incoming calls. Although the ultimate goal of 100% may seem out of reach, getting close to it is still entirely possible. What exactly is QS, what are the issues, and what strategies can be deployed to improve it? Let’s see it together! 1. What is QS? QS is a measure of a contact center’s ability to respond promptly and efficiently to inbound calls. Expressed as a percentage, it relates the number of calls handled to the total number of calls received. A high QS indicates prompt call response, while a low QS indicates long wait times and unanswered calls. 2. What conclusions should we draw from this? a) If the QS is high ✅ Decreased abandonment rate: Customers are more likely to stay online if they are supported quickly overall. Resource Optimization: Better call management enables more efficient use of available resources. Customer satisfaction: even if QS does not directly reflect the quality of service, it contributes to a positive perception of the attention given to customers. b) If the QS is low ❌ Customer dissatisfaction: Long wait times can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. Reputational impacts: Negative customer experiences can damage the company’s reputation through negative reviews or word of mouth. Increased call abandonment: Customers are more likely to hang up when experiencing long wait times. Impact on productivity: Agents are most likely overloaded, with these call peaks affecting their efficiency and causing an additional source of stress in their work. 3. Strategies to put in place Optimizing waiting time: implement solutions such as virtual queuing, efficient IVR or automatic callbacks to reduce delays. Diversification of communication channels: encourage the use of alternative channels such as social media or email to relieve pressure on phone lines. Self-care development: Offer customers self-help tools such as dynamic FAQs or chatbots to solve their problems independently. Overflow strategy: anticipate call peaks by setting up automatic messages, call forwarding or voice messages. Call volume forecasting: Use reliable forecasting tools and analyze historical data to anticipate peaks in activity and optimize shift planning. 4. Conclusion QS is an important indicator that you should seek to maximize in your customer relations strategy. With this in mind, a suitable telephony tool with an effective ACD is the primary condition for good management of inbound calls. Do you want to be able to personalize call routing rules based on skills, availability or even waiting time? Do you want to manage call peaks with robust infrastructure and overflow strategies to limit the number of abandoned calls? Find out how our solution can meet your needs and guarantee you excellent QS! Contact our experts! Need advice on choosing your telephony solution? Find out more about ACD! Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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Choose the ideal telephony solution according to its ACD

< Return to blog < Return to blog Essential features Scalability of the tool Ease of use Reliability and availability Data Security Performance Analysis Flexibility of communication channels Conclusion In recent years, customer relations have become a key differentiating factor and rightly so! Companies are now placing increased importance on optimizing their customer services. With this in mind, call distribution, the central process for managing inbound calls and their distribution to agents, is of crucial importance in choosing the best tool. Faced with the multitude of competitors on the market, choosing the right telephony solution is not an easy task, but considering the power of the ACD can be decisive in your selection. To help you make this choice, we offer you seven essential criteria to take into consideration during your evaluation. Indeed, the chosen telephony solution must meet specific requirements in order to guarantee an optimal customer experience and maximum operational efficiency. 1. Essential features a) Intelligent call routing based on multiple criteria At the heart of effective call management is the ability to route calls to the most qualified and directly available agents. It requires an intelligent routing system taking into account various criteria, such as: Agent skills: Identifying agents with the skills required to handle each call helps ensure rapid and efficient resolution of customer requests. Waiting time: The balanced distribution of calls between agents helps minimize waiting times and improve customer satisfaction. Agent availability: The system must identify in real time the agents available to handle incoming calls and thus optimize resource management. b) Customizing routing rules Flexibility is a major asset in call distribution. The ability to customize routing rules allows the system to be adapted to the specific needs of each company. By defining certain rules, it is possible to prioritize urgent or most profitable calls, direct customers to dedicated agents, or even implement routing strategies based on language or geographic area. c) Seamless integration with CRM tools For an optimal customer experience, the chosen software must integrate seamlessly with CRM and business tools. This integration provides access to relevant customer information upon receipt of the call, including interaction history, current orders and even personal preferences. Agents can thus offer personalized customer service, contextualizing each interaction. 2. Scalability of the tool a) Managing exponential growth without compromise The ability to adapt is essential in the Customer Relations sector. The chosen solution must be able to adapt to the growth of the company and manage a larger number of users and fluctuating call volumes. This scalability ensures that the company can meet demand without compromising service quality or operational efficiency. b) Management of call peaks Companies often face peaks in activity, particularly during promotional campaigns or holiday periods. A good telephony solution must be able to withstand these traffic peaks, requiring a robust infrastructure capable of handling high call volumes without experiencing slowdowns or failures. It must also make it possible to establish overflow strategies that will limit the number of abandoned calls. c) Adaptation to load requirements Every business has its own way of operating and different needs when it comes to call management. You must be able to personalize its settings and functionalities based on call flows, to optimize resource allocation and streamline processes. 3. Ease of use a) An user-friendly interface In a successful call center, agent and supervisor productivity is paramount. To ensure this, a fluid and intuitive interface remains the best option to facilitate the use of the interface and reduce training times. b) Complete user guides For optimal use of the solution, detailed and accessible user guides are essential. These guides must provide clear and precise instructions on all the functionalities of the solution, illustrated by concrete examples and screenshots. They must also be regularly updated to reflect product developments and new features. c) Automatic reporting of customer files Speedy caller ID is the key to a successful customer experience. Upon receiving the call, relevant customer information should be automatically displayed on the agent interface. 4. Reliability and availability a) Resilience to failures In a call center, continuity of service is essential to be able to meet the objectives defined by your customers. The solution must be based on a redundant infrastructure, capable of minimizing service interruptions in the event of hardware or software failure. This redundancy makes it possible to automatically switch to backup systems in the event of a failure to ensure continuity of operations. b) Responsive technical support Even the most reliable solutions can encounter technical problems. When a breakdown occurs, effective technical support is essential. A team of experts should be available to quickly diagnose issues, provide appropriate solutions, and restore the solution to normal operation as quickly as possible. c) Regular maintenance system for optimal performance To maintain tool performance and long-term reliability, a regular maintenance system is required. Regular software updates, bug fixes and optimizations help ensure that the solution remains up-to-date, stable and efficient. 5. Data security a) Data encryption Data encryption at all stages of communication is essential. This encryption helps protect sensitive customer information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers and payment data, from unauthorized access and data leaks. b) Compliance with safety standards for impeccable compliance Data protection regulations, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), impose strict requirements on data security. Compliance with these standards is mandatory and the software must be able to ensure the protection of this data to guarantee customer confidence. c) Strong authentication Cyberattacks pose a major threat to data security. Strong authentication mechanisms are necessary to protect access to systems. This may include the use of complex passwords, physical security keys, or multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires additional verification to confirm the user’s identity. d) Monitoring and logging user activities An important feature in data security is the ability to monitor and log user activities, in order to detect suspicious behavior and prevent intrusions. This comes in the form of comprehensive logging and auditing tools to track each user’s actions, data

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5 criteria for choosing your automatic call distribution solution

< Return to blog < Return to blog After discovering the 5 advantages of using an automatic call distribution solution, discover the 5 essential criteria to take into account in your choice of solution! Discover the 5 main ones benefits of ACD Click here! Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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What effect does regulation have on industry players with regard to the Number Authentication Mechanism (NAM)?

< Return to blog In response to the Naegelen law n° 2020-901 of July 24, 2020, operators must implement since July 25, 2023 the Number Authentication Mechanism (NAM) during their exchanges with customers. Let’s see together what it consists of. What is the Number Authentication Mechanism? In practice, how can this technology be implemented in the daily lives of agents? A dedicated solution to guarantee you compliance with the law and the maintenance of excellent productivity. 1. What is the Number Authentication Mechanism? The NAM is a tool that reinforces consumer protection measures by succeeding two other recent pieces of legislation, namely the national numbering plan implemented by ARCEP since January 1, as well as the Decree Frequency-Timetables, governing telephone canvassing, in force since March 1. We were talking to you about consumer protection. It is indeed common to see customers having their identity stolen when calling or sending a simple message, using their phone number. It is precisely in these cases that the NAM will act. To achieve these objectives, the NAM requires in return that the operators apply several measures consistent with the law. Among these measures are: Verification of the identity of the caller and his number: the operators must ensure that the users are indeed the holders of the numbers used, or that the latter have given their prior consent to their use. Note here that it is also necessary for your agents to certify the authenticity of the numbers assigned, in accordance with the ARCEP numbering plan. The obligation to ensure the principle of interoperability: your agents must guarantee that the authentication mechanisms are in line with the technical standards shared between the different operators. Interruption of the transmission of the call or the message: if your agents cannot verify the authenticity of the number, it is their duty to interrupt the transfer of communications. However, France is not the first country to have thought about protecting its consumers. Indeed, the United States published on December 30, 2019 a similar piece of legislation, called the “ Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act ” or ” Pallone Thune TRACED Act ». It should be noted that the NAM and the TRACED Act differ on several points, however. Where the French law will be intransigent as we have seen with the interruption of a call or a message when they are not verified, the United States for their part show more flexibility and retain the possibility of picking up the call by informing the caller that his telephone number is not verifiable and may be subject to fraudulent use. Also, American law provides for an adaptation of the law for so-called aging technologies, like its French counterpart, which obliges all companies to respect these rules in force, regardless of their technical, human and financial means. If a French company is not properly equipped, this means that it would therefore be breaking the law. 2. In practice, how can this technology be implemented in the daily lives of agents? Speaking of technology, on what elements is the NAM integration based? The latter draws its strength from STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited) and SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) technology. In the form of a set of protocols that authenticate calls, these measures make it possible to effectively combat identity theft and fraudulent use of numbers. Their integration into the telecommunications tools of customer relations centers is also essential within the framework of the Naegelen law, which imposes certain restrictions on call centers in terms of telephone prospecting. Thanks to specific authentication (or security) keys, named A, B and C, the call can be defined according to its degree of authentication. Only letters A and B will be received by agents. C-authenticated calls will need to be intercepted. Here are their meanings: Level A – Complete certification: the operator certifies that the caller is authorized to use the number Level B – Partial attestation: the operator certifies the origin of the call, but cannot verify if the caller is authorized to make calls from this number. Level C – Gateway Attestation: The operator can only certify the point of reception of the call, but not the source. 3. A dedicated solution to ensure you comply with the law and maintain excellent productivity. Applying these principles alone is not enough to maintain maximum compliance with the law and maintain productivity. The use of call center software is often necessary over the long term to make managing your contact center as easy as possible. Are you looking for this software to boost the growth of your customer relations center, while being in line with the regulatory aspect of the sector? Nixxis can provide you with this turnkey solution now! Opt for Nixxis Contact Suite and benefit from a holistic approach to managing your customer relationship: Optimized management of your outgoing call campaigns 10 dialing modes with the most efficient predictive on the market Telecom solutions at some of the lowest costs in the industry Omnichannel relational platform for contact centers Compatibility of your activity with the regulatory aspect. … But that’s not all ! Nixxis is also a telecom operator and offers you in its service offer the essential elements for your telephone equipment, at very affordable prices. Call authentication system Trade Protection Incoming DDI (Direct Selection on Arrival) Inbound SIP Trunk Outbound calls… Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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Economic mission to Senegal

From May 21 to 25, the Princess of Belgium, Her Highness Astrid, is leading a multi-sector economic mission to Dakar. Our CEO Luc Jacobs is participating in this mission which has more than 350 representatives, i.e. 160 companies, 20 universities or colleges and around ten federations of companies and investment funds. This official visit intended to strengthen the historical links that Belgium maintains with African countries is an opportunity for Nixxis to confirm its positioning on the African market. The Customer Relations market represents 30 million jobs worldwide and traditionally, 20 to 25% of these are based “offshore” in areas with a high level of education but low income (Maghreb, Africa). the West, Madagascar, Mauritius for French – Philippines, South Africa, Latin America for English and Spanish).As a Belgian company, Nixxis generates 90% of its turnover from exports, including around 25% in Africa.This proportion is expected to increase significantly in the years to come thanks to the combined growth of “offshore” traffic, but also of “onshore” African traffic. Indeed, the latter is developing very quickly, driven by the massive equipping of African users with smartphones and by the rapid digitalization of their administrations and businesses. It is interesting to point out that in most African countries, users have already taken the plunge and are choosing digital channels over voice, unlike European or US habits where voice still remains the preferred channel for customers. As such, Senegal today constitutes a privileged destination in the field of French-speaking call centers thanks to the quality of its workforce, its economic development, its political stability, but also its efficient fiber optic connectivity directly. from the coasts of the country and connected to the best European data centers. Established in the Maghreb countries since 2016, Nixxis already has major clients in Africa, notably the Gambian telephone operator, GAMCEL. The next step will be the establishment of a permanent office in Dakar with the aim of serving not only Senegal, but also the rapidly developing West Africa (Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Benin) and from there, the rest of Central Africa (DRC, Rwanda, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria). To do this, we will be able to count on the help of our local partner Sylamtech, but also we hope thanks to the links made this week. Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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Are you familiar with the concept of attention symmetry?

At the intersection of Human Resources and Marketing, a principle emerges: the attention a company pays to its employees is directly proportional to the quality of the relationship it maintains with its customers. While not a new concept, it has gained renewed significance in recent months, inspiring an increasing number of companies, particularly in the customer relations sector. Let’s delve into it! The profession of a customer advisor is not particularly glamorous… Prior to working for one of the leading outsourcing companies, I believed that working in a call center was either: A temporary job for students, part-time workers, or those seeking some experience. A means to earn a living. A form of punishment.. I couldn’t comprehend why anyone would willingly spend their days with a phone glued to their ear, enduring insults from dissatisfied customers. However, my first experience of monitoring customer calls quickly brought me back to reality. Not only is this position not the dead-end job I had envisioned, but I’ll take it a step further and say that it is filled with motivated individuals who are genuinely content to utilize their professional and personal skills (and believe me, they are necessary) to represent the brands they work for. Revamping the image of Customer Relations This led me to question the preconceptions I shared with many people around me. Who is to blame? For a long time, the customer relations sector has suffered from poor-quality customer service and unethical telemarketing practices. However, with stricter regulations and the need for differentiation in a highly competitive market, companies have recognized the importance of pampering their customers. Nowadays, they appoint Customer Experience Directors, vie for the title of Customer Service of the Year, and invest in solutions to enhance their service quality. The cost of acquiring a new customer is so high that many companies opt to allocate a portion of their Business Development budget to Customer Retention, aiming to minimize customer churn and capitalize on their existing customer base. Whether they are integrated within the Marketing department or operate independently, customer relations teams are expanding. While productivity metrics are still closely monitored, they are no longer the sole variables of interest. Voice of the customer, CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), NPS (Net Promoter Score)… customer satisfaction is paramount. Where does the human element fit in? Mere numerical data is no longer sufficient. It must be complemented by the power of emotions, and in this regard, only humans can make a difference. If we take a moment to reflect on our most recent interaction with customer service (regardless of the channel), what comes to mind? The Average Handling Time? I highly doubt it. However, if the person who handled our request was friendly, attentive, and provided valuable advice, it is highly likely that we remember that advisor. Their professionalism may have even overshadowed the three minutes of waiting music that preceded the conversation. Applying attention symmetry to Customer Relations The customer advisor serves as the face of the company, acting as the vital link between you and your customers. They should never be underestimated. On the contrary! If you want them to be among the memorable individuals who truly make a difference, you must give them the attention they deserve. This attention includes, of course, human recognition, managerial support, and financial rewards. It also entails providing them with the necessary resources to make their work more enjoyable because, let’s not forget, even if your teams flourish, working conditions in a call center are not the most enticing: sedentary work, noise pollution, monotony… And what about Nixxis? The concept of attention symmetry must undoubtedly be supported by HR and management. However, the choice of tools represents a differentiating factor that should not be underestimated. At Nixxis, we place great importance on the ergonomics of our solutions, aiming to provide your advisors with a user-friendly and practical interface. Our goal is to eliminate redundant data entry, unnecessary manipulations, and facilitate seamless integration with other business tools. We are committed to automating repetitive tasks that do not add value. All these challenges drive us to assist your agents in focusing on what truly matters: your customers! As you can gather, the world of customer relations is evolving positively and is expected to attract an increasing number of talented individuals. So, if you want them to join your team, cherish them, and they will reward you handsomely! Scoop: In 2023, Nixxis will take further steps in equipping your teams with an offering that enhances their comfort. Stay connected; we will provide more details soon.

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