So, you are looking
for a cheap dialer?

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So, are you looking for a cheap dialer?


“It is so easy to communicate on a price today that people tend to go for the cheapest thinking that the main costs of an outbound campaign are in the technology and telecommunications costs,” explains Luc Francis Jacobs, Managing Director of Nixxis. “I am surprised to see that so many people make the same calculation in the short term on costs when working with quality tools when you have quality agents always pays off! »
Everyone in the contact center field has already received an email claiming that a cheap “dialer” is available “just by clicking on this link.” So, for a sum often between 20 and 50 euros per month per agent, you can log into a beautiful website, import your valuable data and start calling all your clients in one fell swoop. If only life were that simple…”

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