
AI: a game-changer in crisis management

< Return to blog < Return to blog The crisis management plan: the essential Develop your crisis strategy in just 6 steps What are the elements that make up the crisis management plan? The evolution of crisis management AI as an ally of choice in managing internal crises Conclusion Crisis management has become a major concern for businesses and organizations around the world. In a constantly evolving environment, characterized by increasing complexity and increased volatility, the risks of crises are omnipresent. Whether it is a global pandemic (the covid-19 crisis for example), a cyberattack, a natural disaster or even a technological failure, companies must be ready to face a multitude of unforeseen scenarios that could compromise their business. different levels. Obviously, contact centers are not spared. In order to respond to these challenges, the implementation of a crisis management plan has become an essential necessity for any contact center concerned with its sustainability. This plan constitutes a strategic and operational framework aimed at preventing, anticipating and effectively managing crisis situations. In this context, the integration of specific processes, tools and resources allows call centers to minimize the negative impacts of a crisis and strengthen their resilience in the face of the situation experienced. In this article, you will learn to recognize the different stages of crisis management, through the importance of developing a robust strategy and recent developments in this area. You will discover the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) as an increasingly popular solution for businesses. Finally, we will highlight the importance of adaptability in a constantly changing environment, where the ability to quickly adjust to the reality of events is essential to ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of businesses. 1. The crisis management plan: the essential Crisis management is an essential component of any company or organization, because it makes it possible to minimize potential damage to the company’s brand image, the implementation of current actions and in terms of cash flow. A crisis management plan therefore constitutes a very important tool for any entity wishing to be able to respond effectively to unforeseen and often destabilizing events, whether for teams or the company as a whole. 2. Develop your crisis strategy in just 6 steps a) Identify the competent team The first step in developing a crisis management plan is to build a dedicated, competent and responsive team. To ensure the effectiveness of the process, this must include the major players and representatives of different departments, namely certain members of human resources, communications, finance, general management, without forgetting the supervisors who can then guide the agents according to the decisions taken. Each member of the team must be trained to act quickly in the event of a crisis and direct the rest of the employees towards possible solutions. We recommend at Nixxis to organize regular simulations to maintain their skill level at all times. b) Assess the risks… It is essential to identify and assess the risks to which the company is exposed. This can include many threats, first and foremost health crises. During such an event, and depending on the scale of the aforementioned crisis, it is possible that teleworking will be the only option considered to ensure the safety of all advisors and maintain compliance with health rules. Several questions arise from this: is your contact center prepared for this sudden change? Are you equipped with a solution that allows your advisors to work from home? Will the voice quality be sufficient? Beyond health crises, there can also be natural disasters, cyberattacks or technological failures. In current events, cyberattacks are legion and target all types of sectors, but mainly health. Having a redundant infrastructure is strongly recommended in this context, so as not to lose your data and to be able to continue your calling campaigns with complete peace of mind. You may also be faced with an exploding call volume, as well as requests on chat or any other communication channel. You must therefore be able to react quickly to the situation. c) … and the impact on commercial activity Once the risks have been identified, it is important to determine their potential impact on the company’s commercial activity and its turnover. This assessment makes it possible to prioritize the risks and determine the measures to be taken for each of the risks incurred. This step also makes it possible to determine priorities in terms of business continuity and recovery. d) Determine action commitments Based on previous assessments, the team assigned to crisis management should develop a detailed action plan, defining the roles and responsibilities of each team member and the steps to follow, point by point. This action plan must include clear procedures to manage the situation, from notifying all stakeholders (business and technical) to implementing loss mitigation measures. e) Consolidate your crisis plan Once the action plan has been established, it should be consolidated by integrating appropriate monitoring and communication mechanisms. This ensures that the plan is operational and ready to be implemented on the D day. Project management tools can be used to track the progress of actions and ensure that each step is completed on time and correctly. f) Take stock every year Finally, a crisis management plan should be constantly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the business environment and new emerging threats. Your contact center then remains agile and ready to face any type of crisis. Revisions should include a post-crisis analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the plan and make necessary adjustments. 3. What elements make up the crisis management plan? To facilitate its development, a crisis plan must contain crucial elements for the smooth running of its actions. In particular, we observe 6 important points which should help you in determining a suitable strategy. a) Risk analysis Risk analysis is the foundation of any crisis management plan. As explained previously, it consists of identifying potential threats and assessing their probability of occurrence and their impact on your contact center or

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Using AI: 5 mistakes to absolutely avoid!

< Return to blog < Return to blog A complete lack of strategy Neglected data Non-existent control Teams left to their own devices Succumbing to an addiction Conclusion Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to profoundly transform the way your business operates, but its integration requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. It is crucial to avoid some common mistakes that could compromise the success of its use. In this article, we will look at the 5 mistakes to avoid at all costs when integrating AI into your company. 1. A complete lack of strategy Well, you’re heading straight into the wall! Rushing headlong is clearly not the best approach. However, this is a very common error in the field. Although AI is easily accessible, when it comes to integrating it into your activity, the stakes are very real, as much as the financial cost. You must necessarily think about why you want to integrate it and who the users would be. Is it a technical or business team? Do you want to integrate AI to improve your turnover, your customer satisfaction or even save time? It’s not just about following the trend, it’s imperative to identify areas where it can actually create value. 2. Neglected data AI and its ability to respond in a relevant manner to your problems relies on the data sets that you transmit to it. Poor quality data will inevitably lead to unreliable or downright bad results. Underestimating the importance of data cleaning and preparation can compromise algorithm performance. You will certainly save time when launching your activity, but will lose much more time when it comes to resuming erroneous results… It is therefore essential to devote the necessary time to preparing the files and data that will feed your AI to guarantee accurate and relevant results. 3. Non-existent control A crucial error consists of ignoring the “configurations” part of the AI: whether it is the prompting work, that is to say the instructions that you will give to your AI assistant or the checks and adjustments made once the solution is in place. We know well that configuring an AI is not an easy thing. However, it is a very important step that must be carried out with the greatest professionalism. You must ensure that the decision-making processes of the algorithms are understandable and at the same time as accurate as possible. The more detailed the prompt, the more structured and relevant the responses provided by the AI ​​will be. This should not, however, exclude control work. Supervision of the elements produced by AI must be regular and followed by necessary updates and adjustments. Ignoring these aspects can have very negative consequences, both in terms of customer satisfaction and also in terms of brand image. 4. Teams left to their own devices “My teams are competent and do not need any training.” We don’t doubt their skills, but AI is a powerful technology and one that evolves extremely quickly, much more than any other software in general use. It is therefore necessary to explain to your employees how AI works and to train them in its effective use. Successful adoption of AI involves collaboration between technical and business teams. Once all stakeholders are on board with the project, it is crucial to invest in training to ensure that your business will get the most out of AI and that your investments will quickly pay off. To review our webinar on the Ai-senhower matrix (in French) To review our webinar on the Ai-senhower matrix (in French) Click here! Click here! 5. Succumbing to an addiction “Artificial Intelligence is great, I don’t need to do anything anymore! » What a mistake and by far the worst! Although AI automates many tasks, your employees still play a major role in controlling and tracking the responses provided. Do not take as absolute truth what AI dictates to you and do not be dependent on these technologies. In the worst case, dependence on AI causes a total lack of reflection in humans who must nevertheless be able to maintain control over critical decisions and not let the AI ​​operate autonomously. You will have to find a happy medium between human and technology, as we do through our range of AI solutions: dialogg.ai which provides you with the necessary elements to boost your customer interactions while keeping humans at the heart of the processes. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, the use of AI can bring significant benefits to businesses, but avoiding these common mistakes is essential to ensure successful integration. By understanding each, you can maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks. A thoughtful approach is the key to taking full advantage of this revolutionary technology. To learn more about your AI-enriched omnichannel strategy To learn more about your AI-enriched omnichannel strategy Click here! Click here! Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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Everything you need to know about chatbots!

< Return to blog < Return to blog Which chatbot should I use for my customer service? Is there a chatbot specific to my activity? How can it help my advisors improve their performance? These are a myriad of questions you should ask yourself when the idea of ​​integrating a chatbot into your customer service or contact center arises. Luckily for you, Nixxis recently took stock of all these issues. Find out what it’s all about here: The practical guide to the chatbot! What is a chatbot? What does that allow me to do? We tell you everything! A “chat-bot” Yes, it is above all a small tool which allows you to automatically provide a response via a “chat” to the requester, without the need for any human intervention, hence the robotic side. 3 types of chatbots The most common chatbots in customer services are either based on rules, on statistical models or, for the most recent, on machine learning. The last one is of course the most precise when it has to provide a response to the customer. Features at a glance A chatbot provides a set of 4 main functionalities. Above all, it allows you to answer questions, provide additional information according to customer requests, collect valuable data that can be reused by your salespeople and finally automate the time-consuming tasks of your advisors. Which sectors use it the most? Obviously, nearly 78% of customer services in any sector use a chatbot, while the remaining 22% prefer more traditional methods (email & telephone). We find chatbots more and more in the health sector, telcos or even e-commerce and the banking sector to a lesser extent. In summary Chatbots are very useful for creating a new user and customer experience and being able to lighten the workload of advisors in providing answers and processing requests, in general. Are you still hesitant to integrate it into your customer service? We’ve created the ultimate infographic to transparently show you the pros and cons of using it in your business. Find it here Previous slide Next slide Previous slide Next slide Do you know that we also participated at the Western Customer Relations Show? Relive the highlights in pictures Share this content on your favorite networks! Facebook Email LinkedIn Interested in our solutions? Contact us for more information! Recent articles

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