🤖 Chatbot: Everything you need to know, the good, the bad and the ugly 

When it comes to chatbot, two schools are in competition:   – Those who say that the chatbot smoothens customer experience – And those who say it completely denatures the human side inerant to customer experience.   In this article we’re gonna take an in-depht look on how relevant is a chatbot for your company:  What is a chatbot?    “Chat” stands for its literal meaning. “Bot” is a shortcut for a robot. In other words, a bot is a computer program configured and able to provide a pre-recorded response immediately to your caller.   There are several types of chatbot:   The benefits of a chatbot   Once configured, the chatbot will be completely autonomous. It can easily resolve “common” files such as a request for information. Its autonomy obviously depends on the previous configuration and the technology used by the chatbot. The emergence of artificial intelligence makes it possible to arrive at an almost human interaction in certain contexts.    Everything that happens between your chatbot and the user is measured. The chatbot will capture all interactions and classify them according to relevant KPIs. This allows you to create reliable, customizable reporting and measure your company’s important metrics to continuously improve your service and customer experience.    At present, the consumer is increasingly anxious to receive an answer. No matter what time you request it, the chatbot is permanently available, and responds instantly to any request.    A chatbot can be enabled both on your website but also on your social networks or various applications. So you can capture the attention of your customers on any channel, simultaneously.  Anything is possible. You can easily associate your chatbot with a friendly avatar who will become your brand mascot.   The disadvantages of chatbot   The same drawback seems to recur frequently over the course of the surveys on the subject. According to a large number of users, it will never replace human intervention. Indeed, many complain that they do not have an answer to their question. It is obvious that when a customer asks you a complex question, they are even more frustrated when they receive an answer that does not match their request. Immediacy is good, relevance is better.   In addition, our time is lacking in human relations. A consumer will always consider a more credible brand if they have had the opportunity to speak with an agent. It proves that you are real, that there are people working behind you to answer and satisfy you.  In addition, the chatbot seems to increase hacking risks for businesses and users. They are the object of misappropriations regarding the protection of personal data. Bots collect and analyze a large amount of user data, resulting in a surge in attacks to steal that data.   The chatbot, for or against? The debrief   The chatbot, for or against? The debrief   Each of them has its opinion on the matter, it seems obvious that the real effectiveness of this means of communication varies according to the sector of activity and the type of enterprise, and even according to the objectives aimed at. The idea is to put these factors in perspective in order to evaluate whether or not a sculpin will help you improve your client relationship.  The trick is to mix chatbot and live chat to minimize response time, redirect your customer to the right agent and maintain this human touch we all love.   A fully customizable solution, Nixxis allows you to configure your chatbot according to the needs of your team and your activity, while combining it with all your communication channels.   Find out more? Why don’t you book your demo?  

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WhatsApp for Business moves towards “conversation-based pricing”

This is news that went unnoticed but it’s finally official: On February 1, 2022, WhatsApp changes its billing method from a billing based on sending template messages to conversation-based billing. What is it actually? we have summarized the main changes here: 1) There will be no more invoicing for “template messages”. They will automatically switch to conversational billing. The cost will be different for inbound (from your customers) and outbound (from your contact center agents) conversations. 2) One conversation means unlimited interactions with your customers or contacts during a 24 hour period from the first message onward. 3) Each Business account with a “WhatsApp for Business” account will receive 1000 conversations per month included and at no cost. The benefit therefore applies to the first 1,000 conversations of each month, whether outbound or inbound. 4) In addition to the first 1000 conversations, each conversation will be billed at a cost depending on the initiator of the conversation (the customer / your agents). Conversations initiated by customers are cheaper. 5) The price of conversations will be different depending on the customer’s country (depending on the phone number that your customer will have registered in his WhatsApp profile). Nixxis will add a commission of € 0.005 per conversation in lieu of billing for template messages currently. A list of costs for different countries is available, click here. 6) You will not be charged for adding a “Click to WhatsApp” link from Facebook ads or from your Facebook page itself. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration of our multi-channel solution, please do not hesitate to contact us. Cost per Conversation in EUR

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