CX NEWS🧐 – Call Center Customer Experience Best Practices: Get your CX through the roof in 2023 with actionable Insights  

The 2023 Customer wears Prada  The astrological sign of the 2023 customer could as well be lazyness. Overdosed with ads on all channels and information added to a pretty pessimistic social climate. The past two years have pushed brands to develop all possible tricks to get leads to click on the buy or book a demo CTA. Consequently, our customers have become lazy and tired of all this overstimulation.   Therefore, rationnality, immediacy and need for true consideration from companies are now shaping the 2023 client. Between the pandemic, economic downfall, ecological catastrophy and war announcements in Europe, the new customer has reshaped his vision of product/service consumption and what he expects from companies when it comes to customer experience.  So how do you manage to maintain and increase your customer satisfaction in these strange times?   Get up to date with call center customer experience best practices with our actionnable & easy to implement insights:  I – Who is the 2023 customer?  Logic above action     Omnipresence    Consideration and nurturing II – What impact on contact centers and call centers?  Be down-to-earth, efficient & personal     Get Solutions that meet the need for immediacy     Opt for an Omnichannel Contact Center Solution    On-premise solutions will eventually die    2023 CX Who is the 2023 Consumer?  Logic above action   Well this is it, the end of compulsive buying. Consumers are moving towards reasoned purchases given the dire economic times coming ahead. Lots of companies as well as individual consumers will be reshuffling their financial and investment priorities forcing C-executives to enforce more reasoned and justified buying processes. The investment in a new product or service needs to hold high ROI.  Omnipresence The 2023 customer is connected everywhere all the time. He doesn’t have time to wait for answers from your company, he wants to know it NOW and he needs its interactions to be unified. Meaning wether by chat, email, SMS, voice, social media, you name them, the new customer wants an answer rapidly and wants to switch channels smoothly without having to repeat the whole story to a new agent.   Love & Nurturing  According to Qualtric’s 2023 CX Trends report, 63% of customers want brands to listen better and act accordingly to their feedback. When we focus on customer service, most purchasers rant about the lack of empathy demonstrated by after-sales or customer services. Our new customers want to be taken seriously and don’t take “well I’ll forward you to our department of silly walks to manage your request” as an answer. First-contact resolution is the metric to watch like a hawk. Agents need to be empathetic yet efficient in finding an answer.   What impact on contact centers and Call centers ? Be down-to-earth, efficient and personal           I understand this looks like a lot, and believe me it is. Yet not impossible. For it to happen, your agents need to have all the info on your customers’ needs to anticipate potential interests.   Here you can :  Allow your agents to access chat/call history for them to listen or read the previous conversations they had with customers  Have a script linked to your CRM to store information from customer communications to keep data.   Have a solution where you can configure a prefered agent depending on your business needs (for example, customer calls can be redirected to the last agent they talked too, but you can get really funky with this functionnality and imagine specific agents for VIP customers)  Provide information and escalate cases in less than 2 minutes especially if you work in debt collection, insurance or after-sales. Opt for a solution that can automate these tasks by linking your activities together depending on the qualification chosen by the agent following your call and that integrates your CRM for live info update  Also, waiting is not an option anymore for our new consumers, the “please hold, you are number 7 in the line” needs to be ditched once and for all. We’re probably going to be repeating that a lot but get yourself a Call Center solution with a kick-*** IVR (you can guess the ***) that does this:   Call back opportunities when overflow is triggered within your campaigns  Adapted to each of your call activities (no use to have an IVR that states debt collection department in its menu if the number called by your client is the one for customer service)  Able to throw in flash messages that you can configure freely when you have high activity peaks.  That forwards to agents depending on their skills and not to any random dude in the call center who has no clue of what they need to say.  That interacts with a solution that takes into account your other campaigns (let’s say you have inbound and outbound activities and that one of your potential prospects called you inbound previously to book a meeting, would be a little awkward to call him afterward in an outbound campaign)  That is both before and after calls to broadcast a satisfaction survey, send over a confirmation or recap sms or email.   Get proactive with your customers and don’t offer a simple after-sales service. Get ahead by configuring outbound campaigns to :  Call them following a purchase depending on your industry (one follow-up after 30 days for B2C industries and for B2B industries you can schedule a follow-up campaign over 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months.,1 year). Within Nixxis Contact Suite, you can automatically send contacts in nurturing sequences depending on their qualification.   If you run an E-commerce, call your abandoned carts and double your conversions!  Those are a few ideas but the possibilities to offer great Customer Service are endless! Get in touch with us for more insights 😊   Get a Call Center Solution that meets immediacy    This is where automation becomes your best friend. With them, you can now be on all channels at the same

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Â đŸ€– Chatbot: Everything you need to know, the good, the bad and the ugly 

When it comes to chatbot, two schools are in competition:   – Those who say that the chatbot smoothens customer experience – And those who say it completely denatures the human side inerant to customer experience.   In this article we’re gonna take an in-depht look on how relevant is a chatbot for your company:  What is a chatbot?    â€œChat” stands for its literal meaning. “Bot” is a shortcut for a robot. In other words, a bot is a computer program configured and able to provide a pre-recorded response immediately to your caller.   There are several types of chatbot:   The benefits of a chatbot   Once configured, the chatbot will be completely autonomous. It can easily resolve “common” files such as a request for information. Its autonomy obviously depends on the previous configuration and the technology used by the chatbot. The emergence of artificial intelligence makes it possible to arrive at an almost human interaction in certain contexts.    Everything that happens between your chatbot and the user is measured. The chatbot will capture all interactions and classify them according to relevant KPIs. This allows you to create reliable, customizable reporting and measure your company’s important metrics to continuously improve your service and customer experience.    At present, the consumer is increasingly anxious to receive an answer. No matter what time you request it, the chatbot is permanently available, and responds instantly to any request.    A chatbot can be enabled both on your website but also on your social networks or various applications. So you can capture the attention of your customers on any channel, simultaneously.  Anything is possible. You can easily associate your chatbot with a friendly avatar who will become your brand mascot.   The disadvantages of chatbot   The same drawback seems to recur frequently over the course of the surveys on the subject. According to a large number of users, it will never replace human intervention. Indeed, many complain that they do not have an answer to their question. It is obvious that when a customer asks you a complex question, they are even more frustrated when they receive an answer that does not match their request. Immediacy is good, relevance is better.   In addition, our time is lacking in human relations. A consumer will always consider a more credible brand if they have had the opportunity to speak with an agent. It proves that you are real, that there are people working behind you to answer and satisfy you.  In addition, the chatbot seems to increase hacking risks for businesses and users. They are the object of misappropriations regarding the protection of personal data. Bots collect and analyze a large amount of user data, resulting in a surge in attacks to steal that data.   The chatbot, for or against? The debrief   The chatbot, for or against? The debrief   Each of them has its opinion on the matter, it seems obvious that the real effectiveness of this means of communication varies according to the sector of activity and the type of enterprise, and even according to the objectives aimed at. The idea is to put these factors in perspective in order to evaluate whether or not a sculpin will help you improve your client relationship.  The trick is to mix chatbot and live chat to minimize response time, redirect your customer to the right agent and maintain this human touch we all love.   A fully customizable solution, Nixxis allows you to configure your chatbot according to the needs of your team and your activity, while combining it with all your communication channels.   Find out more? Why don’t you book your demo?  

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WhatsApp for Business is moving towards “conversation-based pricing”

This is news that went unnoticed but it’s finally official: On February 1, 2022, WhatsApp changes its billing method from a billing based on sending template messages to conversation-based billing. What is it actually? we have summarized the main changes here: 1) There will be no more invoicing for “template messages”. They will automatically switch to conversational billing. The cost will be different for inbound (from your customers) and outbound (from your contact center agents) conversations. 2) One conversation means unlimited interactions with your customers or contacts during a 24 hour period from the first message onward. 3) Each Business account with a “WhatsApp for Business” account will receive 1000 conversations per month included and at no cost. The benefit therefore applies to the first 1,000 conversations of each month, whether outbound or inbound. 4) In addition to the first 1000 conversations, each conversation will be billed at a cost depending on the initiator of the conversation (the customer / your agents). Conversations initiated by customers are cheaper. 5) The price of conversations will be different depending on the customer’s country (depending on the phone number that your customer will have registered in his WhatsApp profile). Nixxis will add a commission of € 0.005 per conversation in lieu of billing for template messages currently. A list of costs for different countries is available, click here. 6) You will not be charged for adding a “Click to WhatsApp” link from Facebook ads or from your Facebook page itself. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration of our multi-channel solution, please do not hesitate to contact us. Cost per Conversation in EUR

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5 key practices to improve your customer service in 2021

Over the past 2 years, with the corona virus pandemic, most businesses have changed their approach for the sake of survival. One of the first steps towards survival for any business, is how well they treat their customers. Customer service is a major aspect of any business as it defines the experience customers have dealing with you both before, and after they purchase your product or service. And with today’s never-ending evolution in communication technology, you communicate with your customers using their preferred method – text, chat, email, website, social media etc. Customer service is more than providing answers, nowadays it forms part of your company’s identity and brand. Here are 5 key practices you should consider to improve your customer service: 1. Train your customer service team on your product or service It seems pretty obvious to say that your employees need to be efficient. But how do you become efficient? The answer is training! Your customer support team needs to be thoroughly trained in the product or service you are offering so that anyone with a query feels reassured as it will be clear that they are in good hands. The more you train them, the faster they can treat customer queries, which in turn results in improved efficiency and customer satisfaction. 2. Patience is a virtue Many of us have experienced disgruntled customers who might often be loud, angry and vulgar. Even more so with the pandemic as research has shown that “long term isolation creates negative emotions, impaired cognition, and stress (Hawkley and Capitanio, 2015)”. As part of training, your customer service team needs to learn to de-escalate tense situations. Staying calm, choosing words carefully, being honest, making the customers feel understood and that you will do all in your power to help them – those are some important things to keep in mind. The fruit of patience is sweet. 3. Empathy – showing that you really care! Let us now talk about empathy and customer service. In this case, empathy is the effort made to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. To do so, your customer support team needs to be trained to listen attentively. Your customers will feel that they are being heard and taken seriously and that all is being done to address their concern. It happens that there might be no solution to your customer’s problem. Empathy will ensure them that you did all you could to help and it might keep your customer satisfied with your service even though the issue was not resolved. 4. Set up proper communication channels Sometimes, your customer service agent will not have the knowledge or skills to help resolve a situation. In such cases, you need to have proper channels put in place. Your agents need to know exactly to whom they need to transfer the query. Also, it is important to remember that communication works best both ways, so if your agents feel they need to ask customers supplementary questions to better help them resolve the issue, ask away! 5. Use a CRM platform An omnichannel customer relation management platform will up your game in all aspects! By omnichannel, we mean a platform which is able to communicate with your customers through their preferred method while keeping all data related to each individual customer centralised. This in turns helps you improve overall efficiency as with each customer, you’ll be able to quickly pull up their file through which you will have a history of all conversations, problems and solutions and this in turn will allow agents to better handle each case. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CLOUD SOLUTION, NIXXIS CAN HELP YOU, LET’S TALK ! CONTACT US BY CLICKING HERE !

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Improve your customer experience : 5 tips

The customer experience is subject to constant change. Indeed, increasingly connected consumers have adopted new ways of communication. Companies must adapt to these changes. Here are 5 tips to improve your customer experience: Hyper-personalisation Consumers today expect hyper-personalized experiences and interactions. Indeed, they no longer expect to receive standard offers! Consumers want offers that meet their needs. To do this, you need to build on the customer’s purchase history and journey on the website. You can offer a service that takes into account the customer’s preference in terms of channel and time. As well as highly personalized offers that make your customer feel unique and valued. By integrating this into your overall approach to customer experience, you can give them what they want without them having to tell you. Prevent customers from repeating information You’ve probably found yourself frustrated by having to repeat information several times. Your customer is also frustrated and may even abandon the purchase. How can this problem be solved? A powerful CRM and efficient routing of agents can avoid this frustration. Indeed, a CRM database saves data in real-time, allowing agents to have a 360° view of the customer’s history. Data protection It is no secret that data protection must be taken very seriously. A data breach can damage the trust that customers have in a company and therefore damage the digital customer experience. New ways of securing data are therefore essential. Prioritized reminders The greatest gift you can give your customer is to save them time. Indeed, you can set up automated reminders to avoid the frustration of being put on hold. This way, you can reduce abandonment rates and call the customer back later. Omnichannel journey Shopping is becoming more diverse, with customers having the opportunity to move between devices and channels. It is therefore important to present a consistent experience across all of these channels so that you are everywhere, all the time. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relations. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our omnichannel solution. Follow our news on LinkedIn.

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AI for customer experience

It’s no secret that customer experience has become the top priority for companies. And to stay competitive, they need to harness the potential of artificial intelligence. Indeed, AI can help you improve customer satisfaction. According to Salesforce, 80% of customer relationship managers consider artificial intelligence to be more relevant when it “augments” their human device. Here are 3 ways to optimize your customer experience with AI. Use Big Data technology It is interesting to integrate Big Data technology! On the one hand, to maximize the satisfaction of your customers and thus build their loyalty. And on the other hand, to target new potentials. Indeed, Big Data does not only analyze large volumes of data. It allows predicting behaviors, to allow a more targeted segmentation, to offer personalized products or services, etc. Again and again, chatbots… Yes, it has become difficult, if not impossible to do without them! Indeed, according to Oracle, 50% of people prefer to contact a brand by instant messaging rather than by email or phone. Thus, a properly optimized chatbot will allow you to improve your customer experience. However, it will be necessary to adopt a good omnichannel strategy to allow your agents a 360 vision. They will then be able to better respond to customers’ requests. The agent’s assistant Artificial intelligence is fully capable of assisting customer service agents during their interactions with customers. AI can propose compliant solutions based on customer profiles and history. The idea is not to replace humans with artificial intelligence but to enhance human capabilities with artificial intelligence. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relations. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our omnichannel solution. Follow our news on LinkedIn.

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Customer service: 5 trends to adopt in 2021

Customer service plays a major role in resolving customer problems. But that’s not all! Indeed, your customer service is now the main lever that will convince your customer to stay loyal to your company. But how to do it? Here are 5 trends to adopt in 2021 for excellent customer service: Omnichannel customer service The year 2020 will have pressed on the main pain points of companies. Indeed, for some, the shift from physical to digital has been synonymous with disruption.  Moreover, Gartner forecasts that by 2022, 72% of customer interactions will involve emerging technologies such as messaging, chatbots, etc. It has therefore become essential for companies to diversify their communication channels and offer a seamless customer experience. In 2021, it is unthinkable for a customer to have to repeat the history of his request to each agent he is in contact with. Companies must therefore have powerful tools to unify the customer experience. For example, an omnichannel platform that will allow you to manage your customer exchanges, regardless of the channel used. Self-service Whether it’s knowing the status of a delivery or paying their bills, today’s customers want to be able to solve their problems themselves. They want to save time and for that, they demand self-service customer support available 24/7. This way, companies also save time. To do so, the company can implement a powerful chatbot, a troubleshooting guide, an IVR, etc. A personalized journey Personalization is a major marketing trend today. Indeed, the consumer wants to benefit from a personalized journey. To achieve this, simply integrate your CRM with your contact center solution and your agents will have a 360 vision and will be able to provide quick and relevant answers to each customer. Immediacy Customers no longer have the patience to spend hours trying to reach a consultant on the phone. They want answers to their questions instantly! For this, the trend is towards live chat solutions. Indeed, it is available via the website and allows to fluidify the customer experience. This way you can guide the consumer to the solution that suits him perfectly. But you can also solve problems related to after-sales service. Customer service on social networks According to Hootsuite, 53.6% of the world population is active on social networks. Companies are increasingly present on social networks. It is therefore logical for consumers to expect to find assistance on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.  It is relevant and essential for a company not only to be present on social networks, but also to manage and respond to complaints quickly in order to establish a relationship of trust with the customer. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relations. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our omnichannel solution. Follow our news on LinkedIn.

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How to build a customer database

Today, knowing your customers well is becoming a necessity! This is why it is important to have a good customer and prospect database. Indeed, it contributes to develop customer loyalty. Moreover, the better you know about your prospects, the better you can meet their needs. You will thus convert the information you have about your prospects, customers into value for them. According to IBM, a good database improves your customer relationship by 74% and increases your revenues by 41%. Here’s how to build a customer database: Invest in a good CRM A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) will allow you to centralize your data. This way, your teams will have all the necessary information on the different accounts to follow up on them. They will also have a view on their objectives. In addition, the CRM will facilitate communication within the company by allowing us to access the history of each customer and prospect. We can therefore see what has already been achieved. Securing your database Today’s businesses are faced with hacking, data theft and attacks. To prevent this, you need to equip your database with multiple defense and backup systems. There are several forms of intrusions, so you must take precautions from the start to avoid becoming a victim of this type of attack. Your database must be compliant In recent years, the way companies collect data has been carefully monitored. Indeed, your database must comply with the European DPMR regulation (General Data Protection Regulation). The data collected must therefore be useful and secure with the user’s consent. Update your database Your database must be regularly audited and updated by your teams to ensure that it is of good quality. Indeed, each interaction with the customer or prospect must be indicated in order to ensure the best possible follow-up. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relationship. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our Nixxis Contact Suite solution.

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5 ways to build customer loyalty

It is always beneficial for a company to build customer loyalty. Indeed, the more senior a customer, the greater its turnover will be. In other words, a loyal customer spends more than an occasional customer. Moreover, competition is so fierce that it is required to establish a great loyalty strategy. But how do you build customer loyalty? Here are 5 ways to build your customer loyalty: Loyalty program By offering your customers promotions and coupons, you save them money and they love it! Don’t hesitate to reward your most loyal customers with more attractive promotions. In addition, loyalty programs have two main advantages : Push the customer to come back and buy more. Collect valuable data to enhance your customer experience. Finally, loyalty programs reduce the volatility of your customers and increase the size of their average shopping basket. Customer Service Customers expect very quick and relevant answers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop several contact channels. In this way, you will be able to respond to your customers’ needs effectively regardless of the channel used. Here you can see how to develop an omnichannel strategy. It is also imperative that customer service has access to business information to best meet customer needs. Finally, having an irreproachable after-sales service allows you to develop a trustful relationship between your company and your customers. Feedback It’s important to take customer feedback seriously. On one hand, this allows you to improve your customer service and on the other hand, you prove to your prospects and customers that you care about them. There are several ways: make surveys, set up a discussion forum, a blog where they can comment on articles. A satisfied customer will highly recommend your company. Reliable relationship A long-lasting relationship based on trust is an essential pillar for customer loyalty. For this reason, your online & offline communication must be clear and unambiguous. In addition, you must make sure to personalize all your messages, send contextual messages, adapt your content to your target audience, etc. Evolution of the offer Today, it is no longer a secret that customers are increasingly demanding and are well-informed about the products and services they want. Thus, the offer must evolve not only in parallel with consumer needs but also according to competing offers in order to match them. For this, it is important to communicate with the after-sales service and to take into account positive or negative criticisms. Nixxis is your partner of choice to improve your customer relationship. Do not hesitate to ask for a demonstration of our Nixxis Contact Suite solution.

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